5 Simple Ways to Dress Like a Chic, Parisian Woman
Posted: Jan 12 2016 by Lookbook Store
When it comes to fashion, French women almost always take the lead. They seem to get it when it comes to dressing in a chic, fab, modern way that sometimes us fashionistas wish we could travel or perhaps lived in Paris for some time so we could study and learn their art of dressing up.
Well, good news for you, ladies, because you don't have to go to Paris (although that would still be a great idea) in order to learn their styling ways. Below are five insanely easy ways to look like a chic Parisian woman. De Rien!
1. Leather and stripes
Striped tops, be it nautical or pinstripes, are classic Parisian pieces. You can never go wrong with owning even just one because such pieces are so versatile and classic. You'll be surprised at the ensembles you can create with just a top.
Of course, to add a chic vibe to it, try topping your striped top with a leather jacket. This will balance out the preppy vibe a striped ensemble would bring.
2. Fur vest
Feel elegant even if you're dressed in a casual grab by wearing a le chic fur vest, a floppy hot, and some stiletto booties. To make you stand out more, wear something that's a direct contrast to your vest. So if you're sporting a black fur vest, make sure the rest of your outfit is light in colors or in all-white.
3. Statement bag
Bottega Veneta | Mint foldover buckled backpack | Prada
Never underestimate a bag because it can enhance your overall look in a major way. If you want to garner extra glam points for your ensemble, invest in a statement bag. You'll be amazed at how one fashion accessory can turn a fab ensemble into a sophisticated one in just a jiffy, making a big, big difference to your entire look.
4. Dainty yet Masculine
A feminine look can collide with a masculine piece without fail. In fact, this can toughen up an otherwise girly girl ensemble, adding a chic badass vibe to your look.
5. Posh Punk
If you're a punk dresser and you want to upscale your style for a more grunge-y yet classy look, then polish your outfit with fur. Whether you opt for a faux fur coat, a vest or a jacket, it can add a posh effect to your overall look. Now that's what we call rock star in the making.
With these tips in mind, rocking a chic, edgy Parisian ensemble will now come very easy. So what are you waiting for? Start putting together outfits the French way.
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